Here is the first installment in your How To Get A Record Deal

There are four effective methods you can use to get a record deal.

These are:

(a) Using an attorney to shop on behalf of the artist,
(b) Using a manager to shop on behalf of the artist,
(c) Using a producer to shop on behalf of the artist,
(d) The artist shopping himself.

There are other methods I could point out such as going through
a music publisher; In this case a publisher might present their client
to various record labels in order to behoove their own catalogue
interest. This of course presents a whole new can of worms such as
the subject of acquiring a publishing deal, one I don't wish to open!

Anyway where were we, ah yes...

Attention deal shoppers!

There is no right or wrong way to secure a record. (Although
some methods are FAR more effective than others) We have all
heard of amazing stories about landing record deals.

For instance...

An artist who is sitting in a coffee house scribbling lyrics, sings
to himself quietly. To the table next to him is the president of a
major record company, intrigued by what he sees and hears.

The man introduces himself and soon they are engaged in conversation,
discussing the artist's music, upcoming gigs and insurmountable
arguments with his cross dressing bass player.

The writer hands him a tape and a week later receives a call
regarding a development deal with the company.

This later leads to a fully fledged contract and future stardom,
all because he had a craving for hazelnut decaf one Tuesday morning!

Unfortunately these stories are rare though.

If you want to be telling your own story about how you got a
record deal, you're best suited to choose one of the four options
I mentioned above.

Here they are again.

(a) Using an attorney to shop on behalf of the artist,
(b) Using a manager to shop on behalf of the artist,
(c) Using a producer to shop on behalf of the artist,
(d) The artist shopping himself.

Over the next few days we'll go into the advantages and disadvantages
of each of these "deal shopping" methods. And also discuss how
to go about using each method to land a record deal.

Discover how artist Chris Standring signed 3 lucrative record deals
using a simple step-by-step system, and how you can too.
Remember, you don't even need any powerful "music industry" contacts to use this system.

Don't procrastinate. Get started right now click on the blue link below.


The Musicians Edge

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